Maple Syrup Program
The NHBP Environmental Department manages the Sugar Bushing on the Pine Creek Indian Reservation. Sugar Bushing is the process of extracting raw sap from maple trees. After extraction, the department produces and bottles maple syrup to sell at the annual Flapjack Friday event and at the Environmental Department.
The Maple Syrup Program participants start collecting sap around the beginning of each year and continue through Good Friday. The collection begins with the Blessing of the Maples ceremony held at the Grandfather and Grandmother Maple trees on the Pine Creek Indian Reservation. The ceremony teaches attendees that the trees and Mother Earth are sacred to Native Americans and should be given high respect.
Flapjack Friday is an event that is open to Tribal Community Members each spring. The annual event is centered around cultural teachings on the importance and significance of maple syrup and concludes with a meal for the Community to enjoy.