Hidden Truths

Hidden Truths

Holy Childhood of Jesus Boarding School Survivors Speak Out “It’s taken over 50 years to find my voice and speak to groups of people. I never thought I’d be doing this in my lifetime,” said Sharon Skutt, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, a Holy Childhood...
Housing Vision Comes Full Circle 

Housing Vision Comes Full Circle 

Tribal Consultation with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) On May 29, 2024, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) Tribal Council welcomed U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary...
Igniting Growth

Igniting Growth

How Fire Management Supports Biodiversity at NHBP Fire management is not a modern innovation for Native American communities. NHBP continues this time-honored process into the modern era on its lands to support biodiversity. This commitment to nurturing the...
Elders Gather for Spring MIEA Conference

Elders Gather for Spring MIEA Conference

To “Support One Another,” as well as Tribal Youth Education Elders from Michigan’s federally recognized Tribes convened at FireKeepers Casino Hotel (FKCH) the first week of April for the 2024 Spring Michigan Indian Elders Association (MIEA) Conference, creating an...
“Whose Land Are We Acknowledging?”

“Whose Land Are We Acknowledging?”

WMU Land Acknowledgement Workshop Fills Community Center “Land acknowledgments bring awareness and recognition to our Ancestors, and it’s a way for us to preserve them in our minds and our hearts,” said President of Western Michigan University (WMU) Native American...