3rd Annual Garden Container Project Sprouts New Interests

3rd Annual Garden Container Project Sprouts New Interests

Bringing Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency to the NHBP Community “Let’s get educated and grow our own food,” said NHBP Tribal Member and Food Sovereignty Coordinator Nickole Keith in a social post leading up to the Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, March 6, at the Pine...
Mastering the Dive

Mastering the Dive

How Two NHBP Cousins Are Pushing Each Other to New Heights “Kevin inspires me. I’ve always loved to watch him dive, and he’s really the reason why I started diving,” said NHBP Tribal youth Eli TenBrink, 16, Battle Creek, Michigan. TenBrink, a sophomore at...
NHBP Brings Dental Care to Dozens of Children

NHBP Brings Dental Care to Dozens of Children

Annual “Give Kids a Smile®” Events Provide Grins for Staff and Students Alike “We brush our teeth clean!” said one 3-year-old child at the Huron Potawatomi Tribal Head Start program to the NHBP Dental team during its annual Give Kids a Smile® (GKAS) event. Introduced...