1. Tribal Youth Program Zoom Sessions
Contact a Youth Specialist for dates and Zoom link The Youth Specialists are inviting all NHBP youth between the ages of nine and 18 to join the Tribal Youth Program Zoom sessions. Youth will engage in enriching activities and discussion while connecting with other Tribal Youth. Southern Youth Specialist Abbey Fuller | Office: 269.704.8593 | Cell: 269.967.5522 | Email: abbey.fuller@nhbp-nsn.gov . Northern Youth Specialist Tianna James | Office: 269.729.5151 ext. 3729 | Cell: 269.967.5526 | Email: tianna.james@nhbp-nsn.gov
2. Men’s Drum Practice
Mondays | May through December
3. Virtual Cooking Class
May 28
4. Memorial Day Celebration
May 31
5. Light Up the Rez 5k & Turtle Trot
June 11
You can also register here: https://lightuptherez5k1mileturtletrot.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=9142
2021 NHBP Pow Wow Update The 2021 NHBP Pow Wow originally scheduled for June is canceled. We are currently hoping to reschedule it as a one-day Pow Wow for Tribal Members that will be held in late summer/early fall. Continue to follow the NHBP Facebook page and Members Only for future updates! Thank You for Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine
As a thank you for helping to protect our community, NHBP Tribal Members will automatically be given a direct deposit of $100 if they received the COVID-19 vaccine at one of the NHBP health facilities. If you received the vaccine through another location, please email a photo of your vaccine card and your Tribal ID to
to confirm eligibility for your deposit.
Tribal Council Resolution on the Straits of Mackinac NHBP passed a Tribal Council Resolution last week designating the Straits of Mackinac as a Traditional Cultural Property. The resolution protects the sensitive cultural and historically significant area from the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline and proposed tunnel that lies within the Straits of Mackinac, as The Straits has a significant impact on NHBP’s history, culture, and identity. Click here to read more on this important decision. Cultural Connection During COVID-19 How do you stay connected to your culture during a global pandemic? Out-of-state Tribal Member Vic Hogg shares how virtual language and culture classes have opened up a brand-new opportunity for connection to their Tribe and cultural heritage. Click here to read the full blog post. Ice Cream Business Opportunity for Tribal Members Waséyabek Development Company, LLC, and Hudsonville Ice Cream is seeking a motivated partner with an interest in business ownership and expanding Tribal enterprise in the ice cream market. Hands-on mentorship and freedom to develop the future of the business is available. For more information and to apply, contact admin@waseyabek.com . Applications are due by June 4, 2021.
Please sign up to receive the Turtle Press digitally to help save our environment! According to the Sierra Club, NHBP printing uses nearly 2.53 trees per month for Turtle Press related items! This doesn’t include postcards, flyers, or any other additional pieces.
1485 Mno-Bmadzewen Way
Say “Ahh!” For National Children’s Dental Health Month
“Give Kids a Smile®” Event Brings Teeth Cleanings to Pine Creek Head Start On February 12, the children at the Pine Creek Head Start program were visited by NHBP General Dentist Joslynn Zaluski and Dental Office Assistant Michelle Phommavongsa for a special...