NHBP Tribal Council Chairperson Jamie Stuck Appointed to Michigan’s Opioid Advisory Commission

Bringing the Voices of Tribal Nations to the Forefront of this Important Conversation

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) Tribal Council Chairperson Jamie Stuck has been appointed as a member of the Michigan Opioid Advisory Commission (OAC) by Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks, effective January 16, 2024.

The OAC was established in 2022 per Public Act 84 of (MCL 4.1851) and is a state-designated entity that advises Michigan’s legislature (the appropriating body for opioid settlement funds) on funding, policy and strategic planning concerning the use and management of state opioid settlement funds.

“The Opioid Advisory Commission is thrilled to welcome the Honorable Jamie Stuck to our team,” said Opioid Advisory Commission Chair Cara Anne Poland, M.D., M.Ed. “He brings an invaluable perspective from the Sovereign Nations and stands as a true leader within the state of Michigan. His membership is an asset to the Commission—not only helping represent Tribal voice within the state advisory space, but also providing expertise that can help advance the health, healing and wellness of all communities throughout Michigan. We are honored to have him a member of the Commission.”

Lawyers for American Indian Tribal Nations have brought suits against numerous companies involved in manufacturing and selling opioids in the United States. After lengthy litigation, they successfully negotiated settlements with many defendants. Chairperson Stuck will now be a voice for the 12 Federally Recognized Tribes of Michigan and provide recommendations on how the state opioid settlement funds should be distributed to appropriately serve the unique needs of Tribes across Michigan.

“I am deeply honored to have been selected as a member of the Opioid Advisory Commission for the state of Michigan, representing tribal nations across the state,” said Stuck. “I am committed to using my position to help create positive change and make a meaningful impact. As a member of this Commission, I will work hard to advise Michigan’s legislature on funding and policy related to substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions that have a sweeping impact on our tribal communities. I am excited to collaborate with my fellow members and bring the voices of tribal nations to the forefront of this important conversation.”

According to the Michigan.gov Opiates Settlements page, “The state of Michigan is slated to receive nearly $800 million from the opioid settlements over the next 18 years. Fifty percent (50%) of the settlement amount will be distributed directly to county, city, and township governments. The remaining 50% will be distributed to the state government’s specially designated fund, The Michigan Opioid Healing and Recovery Fund.”

For more information about the Opioid Advisory Commission, visit: https://council.legislature.mi.gov/Council/OAC


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