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NHBP Waiver of Privacy in Connection with Personal Matter before the Tribal Council
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- I have requested permission to address a personal matter pertaining to myself to the Tribal Council at its regular or business meeting. I have specifically requested permission to address my concern/complaint to the Tribal Council in open session.
- I understand that issues pertaining to personal matters are, as a matter of course, considered confidential and are only received by the Tribal Council in Executive Session to protect my privacy (or the privacy of others) under applicable laws.
- I understand that all current employees are prohibited from addressing personal matters to the Tribal Council during the course of Tribal Council meetings. Such persons are required to utilize the internal grievance procedure and/or complaint procedures.
- I have been advised that I have the right to address my personal complaint to the Tribal Council in an executive session to preserve my right to privacy and to prevent disclosure of personal information relevant to my personal matter to the public present at a Tribal Council meeting, who may include Tribal Members, spouses of Tribal Members and Tribal employees.
- I understand and acknowledge that, should I choose to waive my privacy in connection with personal matters directly pertaining to me, information that I have right to prevent the public disclosure of (e. contents of my employment application; results of background investigation/drug screen). Or which I may consider harmful to my reputation, may be discussed in open session.
- It is my specific intent to permit representatives of the Tribal government to discuss my personal information, however personal or confidential it may appear to be. I consent to your release of any and all public and private information that you may have concerning me, my work record, my background and reputation, my military service records and any information contained in investigatory files.
- I understand that I have rights to privacy (including rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended), with regard to access and to disclosure of my personal records, and I waive those rights to the fullest extent of the law to permit discussion of my personal information in an Open Session of the Tribal Council.
- I hereby release and hold harmless the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, including its officers, employees or other related personnel, both individually and collectively, from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind which may at any time result to me, my heirs, my family, or associates, or any other person claiming on my behalf because of compliance with this authorization and request to release information or any attempt to comply with it, whether that released information be oral or written in nature.
- I understand that the scope of this consent and waiver does not authorize me to discuss or raise personal information to any other person, including current employees of the Nottawaseeppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi. If I attempt to discuss personal information pertaining to any other person, the Tribal Council reserves the right to suspend all discussion of personal matters, including those pertaining to me.
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Note: No items will be discussed in open session that may lead to a release of another individual’s confidential or personal information. You may address your issue with the Tribal Council in Executive Session; however, no response is able to be provided that would release confidential or personal information without the expressed written consent of the affected party.