Celebrating 32 Team Members’ Milestone Anniversaries at NHBP

Congratulations to the 32 Team Members who are honored for their milestone work anniversaries with NHBP in 2022.

Held annually, the Service Awards Ceremony recognizes Team Members celebrating 5-year increments of service to NHBP Tribal Government. Hosted by NHBP Human Resources Department and CEO Barry Skutt Jr., the ceremony serves as a means of personally thanking them for their service. This year, the event was on Friday, Dec. 9, in the Community Center.

For the first time since 2019, the ceremony was brought back to in-person on a larger scale so Team Members could celebrate together.

Congratulations to the following Team Members on their milestone anniversaries:

20 Years
Homer Mandoka, Jr.

15 Years
Robert Williams

10 Years
Janet Foster Cleveland
Travis Vorce
Tiesha Williams
Grace Thompson
Camie Castaneda
Stephen Robinson
Larry Juday
Linda Rice
Matthew Goldner
Amie Phillips
Melissa Eich
Leo Pontiac

Five Years
Tracy Adkins
Holly Curtis
James Day
Johnny Hargis
Kevin Harris II
Dr. Tadd Heft
Charles Hendrix
Andre Mandoka
Emilia Marton
Tyler Phaff
Steve Smith
Melvin Taylor
Ashton Thompson

Jonathan Timmer
Todd Turner
Nathan Walker
Audrey Wieber
James Zoss


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