Bozho! We at NHBP hope you’re all staying cool as cucumbers in this mid-summer heat wave. Check out events, talking groups, classes and other information curated just for you!
1. The Dance of Trauma: Finding Our REZilience
July 12 – 14
2. Elders Committee Cookout
July 15
3. NHBP Talking and Crafting Circle
July 22
4. Cooking Classes
July 23 – Grand Rapids
July 30 – Virtual
Please join us for a virtual cooking class from noon to 2 p.m. to brush up on your culinary skills while staying in the comfort of your own home! This virtual cooking class is open to NHBP Tribal Members, employees and health clinic patients, but will be limited to 10 participants – so be sure to register before July 23.
For more information or to register for any cooking classes, please contact NHBP Registered Dietitian Erin Stark at 269.312.4337 or .
5. Kwe 2 Kwe {Woman to Woman}
Aug. 3
Woman to Woman is a safe, empowering and supportive group for all women. From 5:30 to 7: 30 p.m., we will share hope, experiences, recipes, skills, childcare ideas and, most importantly, provide each other with emotional strength and connections for a better life!
For Zoom information, please contact Indian Preference Coordinator Mariesha Keith at
or Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Patti McClure at 269.704.8396 or
FireKeepers Casino 400 Tickets Available Now
All NHBP Tribal Members receive a ticket to the FireKeepers Casino 400 being held on Aug. 22. To receive your ticket, please visit and fill out the online request form by Monday, Aug. 16. Tickets will be sent electronically.
Saturday, Aug. 21
Sunday, Aug. 22
NHBP Treaty-Based Natural Resource Use Survey | Ends July 23
Don’t forget to fill out our Treaty-Based Natural Resource Use survey now through July 23 and receive a $25 gift card for your time! We’d like to know how many of our Tribal Members hunt and gather, what kind of resources are gathered, where, and any challenges you may face so that we can better advocate for and educate Tribal Members on ways to utilize and exercise treaty-based natural resources.
The survey has been mailed to you and is also available to complete
In order to qualify for the $25 gift card, you must complete and submit the survey by July 23. Access for All Training Program
NHBP Tribal Members are encouraged to sign up for the Access for All Apprenticeship Training program! This program is developed by the Construction Trades and the Workforce Development Institute.
This 9-week training program is PAID and Tribal Members are encouraged to sign up if they are interested in receiving training or certifications in the following areas:
OSHA 30 Work Keys CPR/First Aid Lead Asbestos and Silica Awareness
North American Building Trades Union Certification
Access for All Information Sessions
Pine Creek Community Center July 7 and 14 4 to 5 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m.
Grand Rapids Community Center July 8 and 15 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
For more information, please contact NHBP Preference Coordinator Mariesha Keith at or 269.223.0867. Fitness Centers Now Open Without Restrictions
Both the Pine Creek and Grand Rapids Fitness Centers are now open without mask restrictions! While masks are no longer required, please continue to wipe down your equipment, socially distance, and practice proper hand washing. Please stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19. Hours will be as follows:
Pine Creek: Monday – Friday: 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday – Sunday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Grand Rapids: Daily: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
If you have any questions about the fitness centers or would like to gain access to either of the facilities, contact us at 616.249.0159 for Grand Rapids or 269.729.4422 for Pine Creek.
Behavioral Health Support
If the recent discoveries at North American Indian boarding schools are causing difficult feelings for you or someone you know, NHBP’s Behavioral Health Team is available to provide support to anyone experiencing an emotional response to this disturbing news. If you are having trouble sleeping or eating, experiencing increased depression or anxiety, having intrusive thoughts or feeling suicidal, please contact Behavioral Health Administrative Assistant Sherri Lockard at 269.275.1324 to be connected to a counselor.
Native Americans may also text the Native crisis line for free, 24/7, confidential crisis support. Text NATIVE to 741741. A resource list for trauma responses from the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition in the US is available here:
Read NHBP Tribal Council’s full statement here: .
Please sign up to receive the Turtle Press digitally to help save our environment! According to the Sierra Club, NHBP printing uses nearly 2.53 trees per month for Turtle Press related items! This doesn’t include postcards, flyers, or any other additional pieces.
1485 Mno-Bmadzewen Way
Say “Ahh!” For National Children’s Dental Health Month
“Give Kids a Smile®” Event Brings Teeth Cleanings to Pine Creek Head Start On February 12, the children at the Pine Creek Head Start program were visited by NHBP General Dentist Joslynn Zaluski and Dental Office Assistant Michelle Phommavongsa for a special...