Bozho! We at NHBP hope that, regardless of your vaccination status, you’re all staying safe and remembering the three W’s: wear your mask, watch your distance and wash your hands. Check out virtual events, talking groups, classes and other information curated just for you!
Please note that NHBP is in Phase III of the COVID-19 response to prevent further spread of the virus. This means that events are subject to COVID-19 restrictions and may be altered or canceled if necessary. Migwéch for your understanding.
1. August Virtual Cooking Class
Aug. 27
Please join us for a virtual cooking class from noon to 2 p.m. to brush up on your culinary skills while staying in the comfort of your own home! This virtual cooking class is open to NHBP Tribal Members, employees and health clinic patients, but will be limited to 10 participants – so be sure to register before Aug. 20.
For more information or to register for any cooking classes, please contact NHBP Registered Dietitian Erin Stark at 269.312.4337 or . 2. Kwe 2 Kwe {Woman to Woman}
Sept. 7
3. Curious Caregivers Sept. 14, 21 and 28
Whether you’re preparing to become a caregiver for the first time or you’re a seasoned, snack-wielding pro, NHBP Social Services has a series to enhance your caregiving skills. Through three sessions – offered online and in person – an NHBP Social Services Specialist will provide practical information and proven parenting strategies to any parent or caregiver of NHBP Tribal youth. Attend a total of three classes in the monthly series through the end of 2021 to earn a $25 Meijer or Target gift card. Please note: Topics in the series will change monthly. Space is limited to 10 participants for in-person classes. Open to parents or caregivers of NHBP Tribal youth.
For more information and to register, please contact Prevention Specialist Heather Kozar at
or 269.704.8510.
Sept. 14 | 3 — 4 p.m. | Pine Creek Conference Room 121 Sept. 21 | 3 — 4 p.m. | Grand Rapids Health Facility Conference Room Sept. 28 | 3 — 4 p.m. | via Zoom 4. September Virtual Cooking Class
Sept. 17
For more information or to register for any cooking classes, please contact NHBP Registered Dietitian Erin Stark at 269.312.4337 or .
2021 NHBP Pow Wow Canceled Given the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in our area and across the country, Tribal Council has decided to cancel the 2021 Pow Wow that was scheduled for September 18. As always, the health and safety of our Tribal Members, staff, and community is our first concern, and while we are saddened not to be able to hold this treasured event, this cancellation is necessary to protect them.
Please do everything you can to help reduce the transmission of the virus. Wear masks, wash your hands and watch your distance when around others. Our best defense against COVID-19 is the vaccine. If you are unvaccinated, please contact the Health Department to schedule your vaccine. Back to School Vaccines Put vaccines on your child’s back to school list. Vaccines are safe, effective and keep our children healthy! Now is a great time to schedule your child’s yearly checkup. To schedule your child’s appointment, call the NHBP Health Department at 269.729.4422 for Pine Creek or 616.249.0159 for Grand Rapids. A Taste of NHBP: Cauliflower Dippers and National Family Meals Month September is National Family Meals Month! September celebrates and encourages families to gather and enjoy all the benefits of sharing mealtime together. National Family Meals Month encourages families to commit to at least one additional family meal more than they already spend together, whether it be one more weekday dinner or even breakfast on the weekends. Check out the KOTI blog Sept.1 for a recipe for your family courtesy of NHBP. Turkey Time Gift Check Opt Out
NHBP Tribal Members who are also the head of household now have the option to opt out of receiving the Turkey Time gift check. Members must opt out before 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3.
Sept. 30 is Orange Shirt Day Preorder the Bkedé O Mshike August monthly T-shirt today and plan to wear it Sept. 30 for Orange Shirt Day! The shirts will be shipped the first week of September. The August shirt is available for purchase in store and on our website at . VITA Volunteers Wanted NHBP is in search of volunteers to help provide free tax preparation services to eligible NHBP Tribal Members during the 2022 Tax Season. Volunteers will receive specialized training and resources for a variety of roles. Training materials are expected to be available by the end of November 2021. Online training and certification will take place through Link and Learn. NHBP will also offer a VITA Training Day on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, for assistance with certifications.
Positions Available:
For further information, please contact Tax and Program Support Coordinator Rebecca Griffin at 269.704.8371 or . Behavioral Health Support
If the recent discoveries at North American Indian boarding schools are causing difficult feelings for you or someone you know, NHBP’s Behavioral Health Team is available to provide support to anyone experiencing an emotional response to this disturbing news. If you are having trouble sleeping or eating, experiencing increased depression or anxiety, having intrusive thoughts or feeling suicidal, please contact Behavioral Health Administrative Assistant Sherri Lockard at 269.275.1324 to be connected to a counselor.
Native Americans may also text the Native crisis line for free, 24/7, confidential crisis support. Text NATIVE to 741741. A resource list for trauma responses from the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition in the US is available here:
Read NHBP Tribal Council’s full statement here: .
Please sign up to receive the Turtle Press digitally to help save our environment! According to the Sierra Club, NHBP printing uses nearly 2.53 trees per month for Turtle Press related items! This doesn’t include postcards, flyers, or any other additional pieces.
1485 Mno-Bmadzewen Way
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Health & Human Services Department Wins the Michigan Primary Care Association’s Innovations in Community Health Award
We are proud to announce that NHBP has been awarded the Innovations in Community Health Award by the Michigan Primary Care Association (MPCA). This prestigious award recognizes outstanding individuals, teams, or organizations that have demonstrated creativity,...