Holy Childhood of Jesus Boarding School Survivors Speak Out “It’s taken over 50 years to find my voice and speak to groups of people. I never thought I’d be doing this in my lifetime,” said Sharon Skutt, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, a Holy Childhood...
Housing Vision Comes Full Circle
Tribal Consultation with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) On May 29, 2024, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) Tribal Council welcomed U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary...
Chief Moguago Golf Against Domestic Violence “Beacon of Light”
$65,000 Raised for Victims of Domestic Violence and “Stolen Sisters” Documentary With both the sunlight and smiles shining brightly on Friday, May 31, the annual Chief Moguago Golf Against Domestic Violence event once again teed off at Binder Park Golf Course, in...
A Taste of NHBP: Cowboy Caviar
Cowboy Caviar 2 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp lime juice1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tsp chili powder1 tsp cumin1 15 oz can of black beans1 15 oz can of black-eyed peas1 bell pepper (any color)2 Roma tomatoes 1 Jalapeño1/4 red onion1/4 bunch fresh cilantro In a small bowl, whisk...
The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Swears in Newly Elected Tribal Council Members, Votes for Officers
(Fulton, Michigan) The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) issued the oath of office yesterday to newly elected Tribal Council Member Ariel Boonstra and re-elected Homer A. Mandoka during the regularly scheduled May Tribal Council Business Meeting on...
SBC Awards North America Names NHBP Gaming Commission Tribal Gaming Regulator of the Year
(Battle Creek, MI) On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) Gaming Commission, a leading authority in tribal gaming regulation, was awarded the prestigious Tribal Gaming Regulator of the Year award during the 2024 SBC Awards North...
NHBP Celebrates Mnokmé Zhetthkéwen {Spring Ceremonies} with Hide Scraping Workshop
The Spring Ceremonies are a time to relearn the ways of our Ancestors while also giving thanks for the arriving spring season. It’s a time to continue on with history. “History is our story now; we have a new narrative for it,” said NHBP Culture Specialist and Tribal...
Igniting Growth
How Fire Management Supports Biodiversity at NHBP Fire management is not a modern innovation for Native American communities. NHBP continues this time-honored process into the modern era on its lands to support biodiversity. This commitment to nurturing the...
A Taste of NHBP: Green Goddess Smoothie
Green Goddess Smoothie 1 cup fresh spinach1 banana1/2 cup frozen mango pieces1/2 avocado1 tbsp ground flax seed1 cup milk of choice Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Drinks May is Women’s Health Month. This month, we bring attention to the...
Elders Gather for Spring MIEA Conference
To “Support One Another,” as well as Tribal Youth Education Elders from Michigan’s federally recognized Tribes convened at FireKeepers Casino Hotel (FKCH) the first week of April for the 2024 Spring Michigan Indian Elders Association (MIEA) Conference, creating an...